Scene 13- Tagline.png


When Magine Pro attends events they sometimes get to have a short video that would run before big panel talks or they use the video at their stand to promote themselves and what they can do for you.

These are two videos that I came up with together with a copywriter. I made the story board and the illustrations, and worked closely with a Video Production Agency (Videomaskinen) here in Stockholm on the animations.

Scene 13- Tagline.png

Event video 2017

For this promotional video, we wanted to showcase how affordable Magine is by comparing it to relatable objects for that specific event crowd in Cannes, France. We wanted to be a bit more relaxed and fun, and showcase our startup personality. Once again, I made the storyboard together with a copywriter and I also designed all the illustrations. I worked closely with an animation agency on all the transitions and sound effects.
